Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Paying More To Make More

My post yesterday discussed the three biggest pitchers on the market this offseason and the biggest holds people seem to have are about the budget. The Wilpons don't have the money and the budget will not be over $110 Million. Okay... fine... then the Mets attendance will continue to diminish and the process of building up the fan base will take even longer.

If the Mets spent NOTHING: They let Reyes go and used minor leaguers for every hole they had left, they would lose fans in DROVES. The $20-ish Million saved by not signing Reyes will bes LOST in yearly revenue between ticket sales and lowered merchandise sales.

If the Mets ONLY resign Reyes: They are merely treading water. While teams like the Yankees and Phillies are going out and gaining talent and improving the Mets become stagnant and lose fans or potential fans of the future.

If the Mets signed Reyes AND another SUPERSTAR player: They earn themselves buzz and press and become a magnet for new fans. They also energize the existing fan base. I'm not saying that they immediately earn back every dime they invest and there is plenty of risk but it's simply to risky not to send an IMPROVED product onto the field in 2012.

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