Monday, September 26, 2011

Ways to Keep Baseball in Your Life

Ways to Keep Baseball in Your Life

Playoff season is upon us, and millions of baseball fans are prepping for what looks to be another exciting October season.  But when the magic wears off after that last World Series game has been played, fans that were only just erupting with applause or booing their most despised enemy pitcher the day before will enter a state of gloom, one that stretches from late October all the way to the start of spring training.  For those who do not know what else to do with themselves during this dead corridor for baseball, the following ideas may help keep the spirit of the season alive even when not a game is to be found on television or the radio.
Play a Game with Friends
Baseball may be more of a spectator sport now for many millions of people than it is a game where these same people are active participants, but that doesn’t mean everyone can’t throw down for an afternoon.  If you have enough energy left to pick up some baseballs from  your local sporting or department store, as well as a few solid bats, you and your friends or family can swing at some balls and run around the bases for as long or as little as you’d like.  That way, you can perhaps rediscover the reason you fell in love with baseball in the first place.
Visit Legendary Baseball Sites
There’s no time like the off-season to take a trip to Cooperstown to see the Baseball Hall of Fame.  The New York State location is convenient a large portion of the baseball going public, and the site is a must-see location for any true baseball aficionado.  The Hall of Fame isn’t the only place where baseball comes to life though.  If you’re not so determined to actually get inside the stadiums, you can make a few stops at major baseball parks for some snapshots.  New York alone has Citi Field and Yankee Stadium, as well as the sites of the Shea Stadium and old Yankee Stadium which are no longer in use, and so you can stuff a whole afternoon full of baseball park visits if you’d like while in the city.
Hit the Batting Cages
There are few rushes as extreme as watching a baseball fly at your face faster than a car flies down the highway.  While you may not be able to face an actual big league pitcher in your hometown, you can go up against a pitching machine and see the speeds you’d face at home plate in a real stadium.  Sure, it may not be something you can do every day, but if you need to fill that gap in your life with something baseball-centric, the batting cage can be your quick fix.

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