Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Q and A with Mack and... C Miquel Leaf

Mack:  We're back with our continuing series of interviews with Mets ballplayers and today we're speaking with catcher Miquel Leaf, who just finished the 2011 season with the DSL1 team. Hola, Miquel. How are you doing?

Leaf   Hi .. I'm fine ! I'm at home, happy with my family. I am very happy to be in my country again and even more thank God I had a good 2011 season.

Mack: Yes you did! Tell us a little about the great season you had.

Leaf:    This season I wanted to improve all my faults as well as my strengths and focus more on each at-bat . Thank God everything went as expected everything went well.

Mack:  Miquel, you increased your OBP from .302 in 2010 to .351 in 2011. OBP is the one stat all scouts look at. Did you feel like you "saw" the ball better this year?

Leaf:   This year I felt much better physically, more prepared, more experienced and that helped me a lot to have a good year

Mack: Miquel, what are you working on in the off-season to improve your game?

Leaf:  In the offseason I'm working on the block the ball and the speed of my hands when batting and on the strength of my arm throwing

Mack:    Miquel, I'm sure I don't have to tell you how few prospect catchers there are in the Mets system right now. Has anyone told you that you might be coming stateside this spring?

Leaf:  The truth is nobody has told me if I'm going this spring, but I have the hope to travel to play there in United States.

Mack:  Miquel, thank you for spending a few minutes with us and we're all rooting for you. Trust me, we need catching. Anything you want to say to your fans out there?

Leaf:  Thanks to all my fans for following me. And thank you, Mack, for giving me the opportunity to interview and taking me into account . Thank you very much to all

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