Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Keepers: - #84 - 3B/1B/O - Joe Bonfe

84.  Joe Bonfe
4-5-11 - Up: - 3B – Joe Bonfe –Bonfe returns to Savannah next week to play three positions… third base, the outfield, and third base. I believe he is ready for A+ ball; however, the Mets are a little deep right now in prospect third baseman. Bonfe knows you can’t play enough positions if you want to get to the Bigs some day and the 6-4, 220 pound Bonfe is much more suited to his new positions. 
82 – OF/1B – Joe Bonfe – Bonfe is a smart dude. He was a 2009 21st round pick that played third base and was basically going nowhere in the organization. He then decided to add the positions of first base and corner outfielder with an obvious eventually goal to snag a future utility position in Queens. Right now, he’s hitting .259 and will have to step it up both hit and power wise if this plan is to work. I’ll send him to St. Lucie to continue the journey. ETA: - TBD

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