Friday, September 9, 2011

Glass Half Awesome: Minor Leaguers To Watch

The Mets of Queens may not be in a pennant race but that doesn't mean that the franchise is without playoff drama. Johan Santana, the Met ace has been rushing back through rehab to aid the team in our hour of need.

Just as we expected, Santana DID make it back in time to help our team in a playoff run. Brooklyn, Savannah and Port St. Lucie all in playoff races there is still plenty of playoff juice. He's been shipped to Savannah where he will be helping the Sand Gnats to fend off elimination. Some interesting things to note about his start.

  • He is the only Cy Young winner to be featured in the SAL playoffs
  • He is the oldest player on either roster
  • He makes more than every single player and coach combined in the entire SAL league
I have to feel for Augusta a little. Imagine you are 22, you've played all year against other guys around the same age and now this 32 year old lefty who you'd probably like to get an autograph from is going to be facing off against you. He only has to prove he's healthy... you have to prove you're worthy. I don't envy that position.

I'm glad that Johan made it back in time to make a playoff impact for ONE of the Met teams. Perhaps next year he could make an impact with one in Citi Field. For all you glass half empty people, pour yourselves a nice tall glass of Watkins Pain Relieving Liniment and drink your worries away. (Please Note: Watkins Liniment is not intended for consumption.)

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