Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Keepers: - #70 - 1B-OF - Travis Ozga

70. Travis Ozga:

Ozga was drafted ny the Mets in the 41st round of the 2009 draft.

7-8-10: - I know the last thing that Mets fans think they need right now is a new first base prospect, but trust me, no one is safe in the baseball world. The Yankees are considering trading Jesus Montero for Cliff Lee which makes one realize that there surely is a price out there for Ike Davis. I’m sure he’s not going anywhere, but it’s nice to know that they Mets seem to striking gold right now is Savannah with Travis Ozga. Ozga is a 41st round 2009 draft pick that played a little for the GCL Mets last season, and hit a little less than that: .194/.279/.226/.505. Frankly, I didn’t think he’d be back this season, what with Alex Gregory, Jeff Flagg, Eddie Lora, Luke Stewart, Alexander Sanchez, and Marinus Vernooij in the system; but I was wrong again, and Ozga reported to Kingsport… for one game. Savannah was looking for someone to spell Gregory, and the obvious move would have been to bring back Flagg, who was banished to Brooklyn after a slow start in April. Flagg has put his game together and I guess Mets brass like what they see in Coney Island… so up comes Ozga to Savannah. So far, this looks like a killer move. Ozga’s stats for the season for the Gnats are: .371/.425/.514/.939, with only 6-Ks and 4-BB.

10-7-10: - 2011 Forecast: - It's far too early to project out Ozga, and we really need to see him for another season to see what the Mets have here. Logic says he will move on the St. Lucie come the spring of 2011 and I hope they keep him there for the entire season.

6-28-11: - Ozga was promoted today to Binghamton from St. Lucie. He fills the slot that Jon Malo left open earlier when he went up to Buffalo. Malo is one of your super-AAAA players that bounces around where needed. The assumption here is that 3B Zach Lutz’s recovery from his beaning continues to be slow (failed tests yesterday saying he had headaches). But why promote a first baseman when Allan Dykstra (.255) is already there? Ozga (.288 in 80-AB, 0-HR) has been a backup to Stefan Welsh (.262 in 229-AB, 9-HR) so, frankly, I have to assume he was “promoted” for play time there… ???

9-3-11: - 70 – 1B/OF Travis Ozga – A different version of the Alonzo Harris saga. Ozga is way down the pecking order at first base , so he tried this year to light a spark in the outfield. Zero home runs isn’t going to hack it though. I have him as a utility outfielder in Binghamton in 2012.

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