Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Keepers: - #68 - IF - Wilfredo Tovar

68. Wilfredo Tovar:

Tovar was signed as a heralded international prospect and began him professional career with the 2008 VSL Mets (.203/.269/.301/.570).

He returned to the VSL Mets in 2009 (.289/.364/.421/.785), but finished the season with the GCL Mets (.243 in 148-AB).

Tovar was in extended camp for the beginning of the 2010 season, waiting for the half-season teams to begin, when injuries at St. Lucie created an early rise to the A+ level. He held his own (.246/.276/.305/.582 in 118-AB), especially since he was playing at two levels above where he should be at this point in his career.

5-17-10: - Stock Up: Looks like the mets might have found another 19-year old Latin shortstop to brag about. Wilfredo Tovar comes out of the DSL system and really didn’t do anything that special last season for the GCL Mets (.243/.294/.318/.611). For some reason, he was called upon this month to go to St. Luic and start in place of Reese Havens (moved to 2B) and Luis Nieve (DL). So far, this sure is working: .400/.419/.500/.919. Yes, it’s only 30-Abs but it’s worth noting at this point in the

4-27-11: - We need to take a look at the Mets latest 19-year old international infielder, Wilfredo Tovar. This is actually his 4th season in the system, which includes two seasons in the VSL system. He’s never hit .300 wherever he has gone, but .281 in Savannah in 2010 wasn’t bad, and his .278 is holding his own for the same affiliate. His splash was last year after being called up to St. Lucie due to injury problems to other infielders. It wasn’t the bat that turned heads but his all-star defense. Both Wally Backman and Tim Teufel are on record about his ability to make plays they once considered impossible to turn. I’m told there is plenty of projection left for offense growth and it would nice if they leave the kid in Savannah to work out the kinks.

5-10-11: - Stock Up: - SS/2B Wilfredo Tovar – I’ve had the pleasure of watching Tovar both in a game and during infield practice and it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a ballplayer play the infield this well. You mention his name to a Mets starter and they beg for him to be in the field when they pitch. The only problem here is his size and lack of weight. He’s taken a couple of major takedowns this year while turning a double play and it’s hard to imagine his bat being effective at the upper levels of Buffalo and Binghamton. Still, he has earned a bump up from 27th to 26th on the Keepers List.

9-3-11: - 68 – IF Wilfredo Tovar – Tovar has moved over to second base and has done a decent job for the Sand Gnats (.253/.320/.322/.648) this season.He did have 20-errors, but doesn’t everyone at this level? I don’t consider Tovar major league material and he should bounce arounf the organization for a few more years. Look for him to start second for Lucy next spring. ETA: AAAA

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