Monday, June 20, 2011

Would Zambrano become a Cardinal?

With Carlos Zambrano's popping up lately as potential trade bait for the Yankees, it turned out that the Yanks are not interested in Carlos. Since hearing this news I began to think would Zambrano waive his no trade clause to play for the Cardinals? I tend to think that the Cards would use one of their chips to make a trade like this to help their starting pitching. It's no secret that Zambrano and Molina are good friends. This is a plus. Carlos is a free agent after 2012. The Cubs would have to eat up most of his contract to make this happen. I have a feeling the Cubs would love to clean their hands of him even if its to the Cardinals. He currently has a 5-4 WL with a 5.49 ERA. Duncan and LaRussa would have to have a fail safe plan for Carlos if they are able to trade for him. I would say yes if we could make this deal. I love his intensity. Jose Oquendo would be a perfect in handling him. Could Zambrano balance out our pitching? I would say yes. Remember this is just a thought not a rumor.

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