Sunday, June 26, 2011

Finally things can get back to normal

Well the softball and baseball season is finally all wrapped up around the Kahuna's household for this year. No longer do I need to hear girls saying,"it's too hot to be a catcher" or "I'm missing a pool party ya know" or "can I just sit in the dugout cause I don't want to over tan myself." So far this past week alone I've already ran into two of my players and they both told me: "you made practices fun Tim and we miss that." I was happy to see them and I was glad to hear that they were both having a pleasant summer. I couldn't help it but as I was walking away from them I began tofeel a little tear forming in my eye.........because yeah...... I missed it too. There's next year to look forward to I guess!

As for the Mini-Me Kahuna......I was very proud of my boy and how his team ended up in second place in the playoffs. You see this team started out playing like the Bad News Bears (minus Billy Bob Thorton) and halfway through the season the team (Belleville Tigers) somehow found the divine Holy Mother of Baseball sparks and started playing better than the Major League level teams and most of the other teams in the minor league level as well. These kids were tearing up the score board 19-1, 18-6, 17-2. They were knocking off the top teams and went from last place to third place in the league. Well the playoffs started and in the first round they ended up blowing out their first round opponents 17-6. They advanced into the second round of the playoffs and they ended up knocking off the 2nd place team as well 18-7. Then it came time for the Championship game against the number one team (Longfellow Cubs) in the league who less than two weeks ago was undefeated and lost to these "Bad News Bears" just prior to the playoffs starting. This Championship game was going to be a fun filled ride and needless to say it was a back and fourth game. 4-0 and then 4-5 and then 5-7 and then 7-7 and then 7-9 and then 9-9. Finally after 6 innings of back and fourth "base stealing while scoring as the balls are flying everywhere while the parents are freaking out in the stands while some parents blame the umpires for their kids getting called out while other parents complain about the umpire being blind" baseball the final score was...... 11-10 and the winners were the Longfellow Cubs. The Belleville Tigers had played their hearts out and just could not muster up a last inning hit. Lady luck seemed to have sided with Longfellow.....even when the ball was caught by the right fielder who has not caught a ball all year long as we were told by one of the coaches after the game. He missed two fly balls earlier in the game and everyone thought it was gonna be a guaranteed hit when the ball popped out towards his direction again. I guess the kid finally learned to catch a ball and it couldn't have come at a better time for him. The Belleville Tigers players played their hearts out, they were energized the whole entire game, and they never quit. No matter what happened they never quit and kept playing. I tip my hat to the coaches, the players, and to the 5 tons of sunflowers seeds this team has ingested.

As for the Stockholders in Exxon/Mobil and Citgo......I apologize but your profits will drop for a little bit as my children have no summer sports and nothing till soccer in the fall.

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