The above photo is from PennDOT's website and all I can say is please be careful if you absolutely have to travel in these ill weather conditions. For those of us that work in the medical field, law enforcement, or National Guard, we simply have to travel to work and it's important in these blizzard like conditions to have a few things on hand and a emergency winter kit just in case something should happen in our travels to and from work.
Here is a checklist courteous of the Idaho Transportation Department. This is a well known and reliable checklist and was recommended to me by a friend of mine in Boise.
Every driver should carry some essential items in the car in case of an emergency:
- Flashlights with extra batteries
- Stocked first aid kit
- Pocket knife
- Blanket or sleeping bag
- Mittens, socks and a wool cap
- Waterproof covering like a tarp or a poncho
- Three-pound coffee can, which can be used to heat water
- A small sack of sand or cat litter for generating traction under stuck wheels; it also adds weight to your vehicle
- A small shovel
- Bottled water (but remember it will probably freeze so allow expansion room in the container)
- Booster cables
- Energy bars or other high-energy food like raisins or nuts
- Brightly-colored scarf to attract attention in case of an emergency
- Waterproof matches or a cigarette lighter
- Candles (a blanket over your head, body heat and the heat from a single candle can prevent freezing)
- Basic tool kit to include pliers, screwdrivers, adjustable wrench, tape and wire
- Paper towels or toilet tissue, good for their designed purpose as well as a fire starter
- Spare tire
- Rope and wire, tow chain or a strap
- Starter fluid, extra oil, gas line deicer and battery booster cables
- Map of the area where you plan to travel
- Signaling devices such as emergency flares or a mirror
Having these items on hand can help ensure a driver’s safety, but vehicles also need attention at the start of the winter season. The American Automobile Association (AAA) advises drivers to prepare their vehicles for the winter season by having a mechanic check the following items:
- Battery
- Antifreeze level
- Wipers and windshield washer fluid
- Ignition system
- Thermostat
- Headlights and hazard lights
- Exhaust system
- Defroster and heater
- Brakes
- Oil level (if necessary, replace existing oil with a winter grade oil or the SAE 10w/30 variety)
- Winter tires
Basic automobile parts can help save a stranded motorist. Put these automotive parts to good use:
- A hubcap or sun visor can be substituted for a shovel
- Seat covers can be used as a blanket
- Floor mats can be used to shut out the wind
- Engine oil burned in a hubcap creates a smoke signal visible for miles
- A car horn can be heard as far as a mile downwind. Three long blasts, ten seconds apart, every 30 minutes, is a standard distress signal
- A rear-view mirror can be removed to serve as a signaling device
- Burn a tire for a signal or for warmth. Release the air pressure and use gasoline or oil for a means to ignite it
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