Friday, October 21, 2011

Q and A with Mack and... RHSP Dillon Gee

Mack:  Hey folks, we're talking today to one of those big time bonzo dog band major league players....starting pitcher Dillon Gee.   Wow... where do we start?   Hey Dillon... anything new in your life (sic)?
Gee;  Not really just settling in here in ft worth for the offseason. Got the opportunity to go play with the team the MLB is taking to Taiwan so that's my focus right now. After that I'll be preparing for 2012.

Mack:   So, this time last year we were talking about the great opportunity you had pitching five games for the parent club.  Now look at ya... 13-6 for the season.   Do you now feel like a major leaguer?

Gee:    Well I definitely feel more comfortable and can just focus on my work but there is still so much left to prove I belong. This is a tough game and the true major leaguers are the guys who do it year in and year out!!
Mack:   Listen, this being picked by Bochy for the All-Star game in Taiwan is quite the honor. How did this all go down?

Gee:      Well, I got a call from a person at the union asking if I would be interested and I jumped at the opportunity and the mets were nice enough to give me their blessing.

Mack:     That's fantastic. Are you bringing your lovely wife with you?

Gee:     Yes she is definitely coming with me and I think my parents are too.

Gray:     Hi Dillon, this is Frank Gray, one of the writers here at Mack's Mets.   I have a question for you.  What do you think you need to work on next year to build on the strength of your 2011 success?

Gee:      Well I think consistency, and I think consistency for me would be gained by being in better shape. The major league season is very long and tiring, and having never played that long before I think I kinda broke down. Having been through the whole season now I think I will be better prepared so I can keep that same sharpness I had earlier in the year for the whole year next year.

Mack:   Dillon, I'm not going to keep you too long.   You are one of the few guys that still give a minor league guy like me an interview once they get to Queens.   I remember the first time I saw you... you were standing under the trees by the park bench in front of the minor league complex buidling and your father was telling you something. Never did see your face, just the name on the back of your uniform.  I took a great picture of you two years later with the old #73 uniform on (do you still have that uniform?).  It's been an honor being a very small glitch during your rise and I wish you nothing but success. Say hello to your father for me and have a fun trip.

Gee:      Hey Mack, thanks alot. I never wanna be a guy that changes. I have been very blessed with the opportunities I've been given but they can be taken away just as fast. But the kind of person you are and how people remember you can't be taken away.  I do not have that jersey and that would be a pretty cool pic to have. Thanks alot, take care Mack!

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