Monday, October 31, 2011

Dave Duncan Wants to Stay and our Possible New Manager

As long as Tony La Russa has managed, his pitching coach Dave Duncan has been by his side. And La Russa is quick to share the credit for his success with Duncan. Dave Duncan says he plans to be with the Cardinals next season, assuming two things: Cardinals management wants him, and his wife is healthy enough for him to be away from home.
Most fans will remember Dave Duncan's son, and former Cardinal Chris Duncan.
He's now a co-host on 101 ESPN Radio in St. Louis. Chris talked with his dad on his show Monday night.
The elder Duncan said he has known since late August that La Russa wasn't returning to the club, but he kept hoping he would change his mind.
Dave Duncan says he could tell the late season wins were a little more emotional for La Russa than usual.
He says he's yet to talk to the Cardinals front office about next year, but he does have a contract to coach, and he says he is optimistic about his wife's health.
"How difficult do you think it would be to coach with another manager? You've only been with Tony. You've never really coached with somebody else. Do you think that there would be a big adjustment period?" said Chris Duncan.
"I don't really think so. I think I know what my responsibilities are and what my position is as pitching coach. And I think that I could get along with just about any manager, assuming they let me take the responsibilities that I'm accustomed to taking," said Dave Duncan.
As for whom the Cards might hire to manage the team, Duncan says he has no idea.
Duncan says he would do it, if he could somehow get out of having to talk to the media day in and day out. So, that can probably be ruled out.

With Dave Duncan in mind as our returning pitching coach, then I really think Jose Oqeundo will be our new manager. Jose is our heir apparent to the job. I would also tend to think Mark McGwire would stay as the batting coach.  Those that might be replaced are Dave McKay and Joe Pettini.

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