Monday, October 24, 2011

Dirty Laundry

"I picked a hell of a day to quit sniffing glue..."  - "Airplane"

I was really excited to get on the blog this morning. Monday was going to be the first day that three other writers would post original material, one after another, starting at 8am EST. I wanted to be up, bright and early, so I could be ready to promote these postings throughout the blogging world.

I also was thrilled that Saturday was the first time, on a Saturday, that the site had received over 1,000 hits without any were assistance of linking to places like It's just not easy getting 1,000 hits on a weekend day, so, I really thought that we were beginning to cross over into a category that could produce some revenue here.

Then, I went to the site and found out that at 4am, the Sitemeter on the site had shut down for some reason. I have contacted them a couple of times and there is now a sporadic listing of a few "hits", but most are missing and assumed lost. I expected today to be a 1,000+ day, and, at last look, I was at 129, less than I had for any day in the existence of this blog.

Isn't my revenue rate and page ranking determined on the hits showed by this site?  Will I have to shit can 800,000+ hits and start over?

Ironically, this comes on the same day that five of us here began the day discussing whether or not we should change the rules for the site and allow "anonymous" comments by people that refuse to register.

I've never liked them because most come from members of other Met blogs that love to write nasty things. I have the blog set up that all comments bust be first cleared by me and, in the past, I have not cleared the majority of the Walking Dead out there.

All of the writers on the site are at least a generation behind me, and it seems that the younger end of the blogging community love to duke it out in the comment sections. I will tell you this...  your "hit" total skyrockets because people keep coming back to see what people said about their comments. Of course, you need to have a fully operational Sitemeter...

So, I did make the changes today and I'm now allowing anonymous comments to hit my screen, for approval. I don't expect a lot at first because I have chased most of these people away. So, far, I got one from someone saying my David Wright piece sucked. I deleted it.

That means my site is getting more hits... none of which are being registered.

If anyone has an explanation to how to solve the Sitemeter mess and if there is someplace else that is still registering my site's numbers, please email me at:

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