I've heard through the grapevine that Upper Deck is running a contest where you can vote for the best sports blog/box breakers/best community on their website. It has been interesting the last few days to watch this catastrophe unfold and I have stood back silently and watched the emails and comments come in asking me to "vote" for their blog/whatever and I have watched comments being spewed out towards people like it was a presidential election year. I've also seen some backstabbing made to others that were just plain rude. Promises being made of sharing of whatever is given to them if they win and some promising to even give out money if they win. Well it's time for "Enough Already" to contribute my two cents.
When Upper Deck posted the available choices on the poll it would appear that some of the blogs that are listed in the voting section are justified to be on the list but then again there are some blogs that are not listed on the poll and that means some of the blogs got the dreaded "short end of the stick". In my honest opinion we are all winners when it comes to blogging. Some of us have articles that literally quench our deepest hobby thirsts while some blogs give us more of a comedic approach to the hobby. Other blogs incorporate trading amongst ourselves and for some blogs it allows them to show to the community their personal collection and a chance to talk about their favorite players. Heck some of us even incorporate our life into our hobby blogs and thus making us feel like a part of their family in a small way. The blogs allow us to be creative whether it be creating our own custom made cards or by showing us just how many idiots are on Craigslist and Ebay. The possibilities are endless and there is no limit as to just how far some people will go with their blogging concepts. There is a person that created blog about a fellow blogger and blabs about how he's "Upper Deck's Tool" and how he's just plain rude with his remarks and he's a fat and lazy hobby ego maniac slob. What a shallow life this man/woman/transgendered person must lead since his goal is to blog about another blogger and his actions. Needless to say it's still a form of creativity and it's a freedom of choice. Say those words proudly, "freedom of choice".
How Upper Deck came up with such a short list is beyond me. Did they label mice and have a race to determine who would be listed? Perhaps they drew names from a hat? I know there are blogs out there worthy of recognition beyond the list that was created. There needs to be a lot more creative thought process for this to happen properly. Upper Deck should have never said a word about giving away products for the winners. They created such a jolt grabbing frenzy that it is compared to the feeling you get from whizzing on the electric fence type of feeling. Would everyone blab out for so much attention if Upper Deck wasn't giving away anything? All Upper Deck did was unleash the creative ugliness thoughts perpetrated by fellow hobbyists. I suppose if you wanted to have an awards program for the best blog/box buster/best community then by all means do so. Just remember that it will be political and it will be fraudulent and somebody is gonna get screwed over.....kind of like the Oscars.
On a closing note I would just like to ask that you would please....for the love of God please....do not send me emails and post comments telling me about how great my blog is and then start spewing your sales pitch blasphemy on why I should vote for you. You are going to receive the following by doing so:
1. A copy of Richard Simmons "sweating to the oldies"
2. A letter from the Dept of Homeland Security
3. Some freshly squeezed gifts courteously of my two dogs Ginger and Bo
4. 1,000 copies of Ki-Jana Carter and Napoleon Kaufman autographed cards
5. BaBa Booey will take you out to the ball game and you will polish his teeth!
6. 200 legs from ladybugs
7. A gift card good for one Roundhouse Kick from Chuck Norris
Thank you for your time my fellow hobbyists.