Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dirty Laundry - I May Be Wrong, But...

1. We’ve added another “page” to the site, which is linkable on the right side of page 1…  it includes all of the 2012 free agents and, when we get the notice, where they have signed and how much. We’ll keep it as current as we can each day and, if you see a player that we have no status for, and you know he has signed, please let us know.

I May Be Wrong, But…

1. signing CL Joe Nathan to a two-year deal wouldn’t be the worst thing the Mets could do. The four-time All-Star has already opened his mouth and told the press that he wants to come to the Mets (agents just love that…). He could immediately step into the closer role in 2012 and mentor pitchers like Bobby Parnell and Jenrry Mejia, when he comes back. I never liked that he only hit 93, but he’s a time tested winner with the savvy one needs to close. Plus, we could all move on and write about some other position. Yeah, sign him Sandy. He wants to play for the Mets. How many players want to do that these days?

2.  I saw that one of Mike Silva/NYBD’s writers quoted an “unnamed source” saying that there is no way that the Mets will resign Jose Reyes. I also saw that Adam Rubin said that all you have to do is add Mike Pelfrey’s ARB future figure to the existing 2012 contracts, and it’s easy to see that there is no way you can keep the team under a $100mil payroll and sign Jose at the same time.  It’s starting to look like the handwriting is on the wall and not on the contract.

3. Kevin Kernan of the NY Post cleared something up for me that I didn’t know. The salaries of the GM, manager, and coaches are not included in the total figure you read all the time as the “team salaries”. That covers only the players. Thanks Kevin.

4. Here are the projected arbitration numbers for applicable Mets: Mike Pelfrey - $5.8mil…  Angel Pagan - $4.7mil… Ronny Paulino - $1.6mil… Taylor Buchholz - $1.2mil… Manny Acosta - $1.1mil. IMO, only Acosta is a lock as I write. (scout to Mack:  “they would dump Pelfrey if they had a fifth starter…”)

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