Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cutnpaste: - Jose Reyes, Robert Carson, Cone on Jose, Wright in 2013, Ottawa Mets Owner

According to Andy Martino of the Daily News, “Sources familiar with the team’s thinking have maintained that the Mets are unwilling to offer six or seven years (to Jose Reyes), and might be uncomfortable with five.” In regards to the team’s parameters for re-signing Reyes, Martino quotes Sandy Alderson as saying, “We have a sense of where we would be comfortable or slightly less comfortable (or) totally uncomfortable.”

11-1-11: -  - Interesting, pretty positive scouting report on Robert Carson; sits at 92-95 and touches 96 fairly often, with good hop on the ball.  Overall upshot is pretty much what IPA has been saying for some time now, that scouts like him better than his numbers would suggest, and he can become an above-average major league starter IF he can learn to command his pitches better, which mainly will come from learning to repeat his proper arm slot.

“There are better fits, places that give him a better chance to win, probably. If he really loves playing for the Mets, maybe he’ll give them a discount, so to speak, or work with them. Bit it’s his first go-round. It’s gonna be hard for him to take less money.”  ~  David Cone

Several issues would complicate this. As the Daily News reported last summer, Wright can void his $16 million club option for 2013 if he is traded. That will limit what the Mets can receive in return, because an acquiring team in July would be guaranteed only half a season from Wright. He could agree to an extension with the new club, but that would present a further wrinkle in trade negotiations. It is also worth remembering Wright's loyalty close friends say, affectionately, that he is loyal to a fault and his genuine desire is to lead the Mets out of this latest wilderness. In an age of cold capitalism in sports, those qualities are rare.

Binghamton Mets President Michael Urda refuted a report that a group of investors was in negotiations to buy the franchise and move it to Ottawa. Contrary to the report, Urda -- who is part of the franchise's ownership group -- said he plans to seek an extension of the club's lease for NYSEG Stadium with the city. reported on Monday night that a group called Beacon Sports Capital Partners had begun working on a lease for Ottawa Stadium with city officials there. The report asserted "there have been serious negotiations to buy the Binghamton Mets and move the team to Ottawa as soon as 2013, should a new lease be arranged."

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