Friday, November 4, 2011
David Freese
Some background on Freese:
He played at Lafayette High School in Wildwood, Missouri. He started for four seasons on the Varsity squad, but clearly his senior year, in which Freese earned All-State honors, was his most productive. After his four years at Lafayette, Freese play baseball in his freshman year at Meramec Community College, hitting a stellar .396 while driving in 41 RBIs to go along with 10 home runs in just 46 games. As a sophomore, he transferred to South Alambama University, and following an entire season in which he was required to sit out, Freese hit .373 average as a junior. In the Padres’ farm system, he excelled, but Freese was traded to the Cardinals in return for former All-Star center fielder Jim Edmonds. The Corpus Christi native immediately found himself with St. Louis’ AAA affiliate, the Memphis Redbirds. Freese’s play earned him countless promotions to the Major Leagues, yet he could not sustain his success on the highest level in both 2008 and 2009. It was not until starting third baseman Troy Glaus departed to Atlanta in 2010 that Freese, then in spring training, looked prime to shine. With a vote of confidence from manager Tony LaRussa, Freese hit over .300 in both April and May of 2010. June, however, did not prove to be as auspicious. Freese hit just .234, before rolling his ankle. He was later placed on the 15 day disabled list, and Freese expects to return to the Cardinals’ starting lineup by the All-Star break.
Lets Face Reality: With Reyes/Wright Probably Leaving, The Rebuilding Could Take Longer....
As today marks the first day of Free Agency in Major League Baseball, Jose Reyes is officially on the open-market. Teams like the Giants, the Marlins, and many others will atleast make an attempt to sign the speedy Reyes. The Mets still do have a chance to get him back. However, the one thing we need to see visually, is the reality of whats happening.
With Jose Reyes a free-agent, and the Mets Ownership not willing to go at least 5-years on a deal with Reyes, we really need to face the harsh reality of whats likely to happen. Jose Reyes will probably go sign with another team. Its more than likely going to be the team that gives Reyes the most money, or even the best possible chance to win.
With that being said, I feel that with Reyes leaving, and Wright potentially leaving as well, this rebuilding Mets ball-club could potentially have more rebuilding to do, and it could take more than just 2012 to even complete the rebuilding process. I know that I am not a GM, nor am I a scout, or even the owner of a ballclub, but realistically with the players we could have without Wright, and Reyes, rebuilding could take more time than previously expected.
Without Jose Reyes or David Wright in the Mets lineup, the offense would have very little depth. Sure the Mets have Jason Bay, and Ike Davis still on the Mets roster, but with Bay's struggles from the past two seasons, I just don't see the Mets having alot of depth in almost every aspect of the entire roster. Even the pitching staff really doesn't have alot of depth.
With Johan Santana coming back, that adds alittle more depth than what we had with the rotation this past season, but after Johan, there isn't a whole lot of depth. We've got R.A. Dickey, Jonathan Niese, and Mike Pelfrey.
I have always been a man that thinks realistically, and I personally believe with the two franchise players probably gone this year, or even next year, the Mets are still going to have alot of rebuilding to do before we can call this team an actual playoff contender. You know what they said, "It only gets worse before it gets better".
The Keepers: - #20 - OF - Cory Vaughn
20. Cory Vaughn:
Vaughn was drafted by the Mets in the 4th round of the 2010 draft.
My draft analysis on Vaughn: Well, it didn’t take long for the Mets to pull one out of their arse. I have basically nothing on Vaughn, other than a couple of 200+ round picks on some early mocks. It is very hard to find anything positive about this guy, other than the fact that his father was named Greg. He seems to swing at anything that’s thrown his way and has been one of the divisional strikeout leaders, both in school and the Cape Cod League. Had 55-K in 180-AB and 180-K in 592-AB career wise. Multiple scouting services have reported that his hitting mechanics are horrible. Projection: Boy, who the heck knows. Personally, I’m pissed that left on the board were RHP Sam Dyson and LHP James Paxton, and, if you wanted a toosy outfielder, what about Cody Hawn or Austin Wilson? Look, I have no problem drafting someone that shows potential, but save these kind of picks until the 15th round. There is no way of projecting any kind of ETA on this kid. Everything I have read said he is not a potential major leaguer. ETA: never Draft Grade: F
6-30-10: - Vaughn hit his fourth home run of the young Cyclone season Tuesday night and we need to put him on the watch list. Included in the stuff I compiled on him below is my analysis of how I felt about thw Mets picking him. My thoughts were similar to what I originally said a few years ago about Ike Davis, so this should be good news for both the Mets and you fans out there. Sure, there is only 43 at bats, but you have to respect a .651 slugging percentage and a 1.036 OPS.
7-19-10: - It’s not the two hits he got on Monday that got him this stock up… nor is it the fact that one was another home run, which he leads the league in producing. Additionally, it’s not the fact that he now has his batting average up to .291. No, none of that earned him this listing. It was the fact that he had two outfield assists during the game also, throwing out runners at both third and second base. That’s an outfield performance we don’t see very often in the Mets’ minor leagues.
7-31-10: - Vaughn continues to lead the league in home runs, hitting his 10th last night. Seasonal stats are now: .310/.401/.581/.982, with an impressive 21-BB. Vuaghn continues to quiet critics, including myself, and seems a lock on the Sterling Award winner this season for the Clones.
10-8-10: - 2011 Forecast: - Well, we don't have to spend any more time on what Keith Law and I thought of this pick. The bottom line is I was wrong and Vaughn looks like he's a live one. Both he and Darrell Ceciliani made headlines playing the Cyclones outfield last season, but I have only Vaughn going straight to Lucy for the beginning of the 2011 season. That should be some kind of outfield with Vaughn, Matt den Dekker (who plays CF?), and Cesar Puello.
3-9-11: - Up: - OF Cory Vaughn – Vaughn got his first ever ST at bats with the big boys on Tuesday and launched a two-run homer in the eighth inning against the Nationals. He’s years away but continues to covert those of us that thought this was a bag draft pick. I expect him to bypass Savannah and go straight from Brooklyn to St. Lucie next month.
5-16-11: - We’re starting to get to the point in the season where certain players are proving they can play baseball at a level higher than they played last year. Prospects usually don’t have that much difficulty in doing this. OF Cory Vaughn, who wowed everybody (even me) last year in Brooklyn, has already proven he can dominate at the next level in the Sally League. I can speak first hand to his desire to excel, something I didn’t think he possessed when he was drafted out of college. Here is a guy that went into Monday’s game leading the league in OBP (yes, even higher than Bryce Harper) and he honestly feels he has played like sit this year. Amazing. He has been the only consistent bat on the team, and, now that other players are being to hit, we should se a huge increase of RBIs from this true prospect. I had him as the #15 “Keeper”, but I have now moved him up to #10.
5-27-11: - OF Cory Vaughn A-Savannah: - Vaughn’s season in Savannah this year reminds me a lot of Matt den Dekker’s last season. Both seem to just blow themselves through the competition, which is how you earn yourself a bump up. There really isn’t a list where everyone gets a turn. The ones that go on are the ones that prove their talent stands out above the rest of league they are currently playing in. That’s what Vaughn has already done this year. He’s leading the Sally League in OBP and seems the be able to drive in runners at will. His only shortfall so far this season is the fact that his teammates that hit before him haven’t gotten on base enough. Thursday’s game was a perfect example. CF Darrell Ceciliani led off the game with a walk and Vaughn knocked him in. There was no one on base the next time he got up, so, what the hell, he hit a home run anyway. As you know, I didn’t like this pick, but I was wrong. I was never wrong about the person though. He’s a great kid and he needs to move to Florida.
8-3-11: - Twitter exchange between Cory and I today: - SugarFreeCV Cory Vaughn - Growing out the stache #ilookmexican MackAde Mack Ade - @ @SugarFreeCV - you look like Hamilton Bennett… SugarFreeCV Cory Vaughn - @ @MackAde i might have to get rid of it now since u compared me to him ha lol
8-21-11: - Observation - #11 – Cory Vaughn – OF – I have Vaughn higher on my prospect list than most of the other pundits out there. All the tools are there and the ceiling is the highest in the system. His one problem seems to be running hot and cold which, on the surface looks like a lack of concentration. It’s not his talent. Cory will most probably be held back for another stint in St. Lucie, where he will be reunited with his outfield buddy, Darrell Ceciliani. I originally had his ETA to possibly join the Bigs along with Matt den Dekker, but his two month slump at Lucy probably (and correctly) pushes him back a year. – ETA: Opening day 2014
8-28-11 – Stock Up: - OF Gilbert Gomez – This is weird. I had a working title on my notes page entitled “Is Gilbert Gomez the new Cory Vaughn’? It was going to be a post that was pro-Gilbert, but, at the same time, designed to light a fire under a player I like and is going through his second slump of the year. So, what do BOTH of them do today? They both hit two home runs in the same game. Weird.
Blue State Graft Watch: Securities Firm Run by Former New Jersey Governor and Obama Bundler John Corzine to be Probed by FBI

The MF Global Securities firm run by former New Jersey Governor and Goldman Sachs [NYSE: GS] chairman John Corzine will be investigated by the FBI to determine if the firms actions violated criminal laws after filing for bankruptcy protection on Monday. MF's bankruptcy was reportedly the 8th largest filing in US History.
After taking over MF Global last year, Corzine led MF Global to make more trades for the company's own profits, a practice known as proprietary trading. Proprietary trading helped turn Goldman into a trading powerhouse in recent years.Corzine reportedly continued to use clients money as losses from the European sovereign debt MF invested in increased.
Under Corzine's leadership, MF Global bet $6.3 billion on debt issued by Italy, Spain and other European nations with troubled economies. Those bonds have lost value in recent weeks as fears have intensified that some European countries might default.
Regulators said in September that MF Global was overvaluing some of its European debt investments. It required the company to raise more cash, according to court papers filed on Monday.
Reports had also been circulating as recently as a few months ago that Corzine was a possible replacement for current US Treasury secretary Tim Geithner should President Obama win a second term. In fact, these rumors led to an oddly specific stipulation in a $325 million bond offering from MF.
MF creditors were so concerned that Corzine might quit to take a White House post that they demanded an “Obama clause” be inserted in a $325 million bond offering -- in which MF would shell out an extra 1 percent in interest if Corzine left for a government post by 2013.Oddly, the regulator in charge of investigating the wreckage of Corzine's securities firm worked at Goldman Sachs with Corzine and donated $10,000 the the Democrat party of New Jersey when Corzine was running for governor in 2005.
In 2009, Corzine lost re-election to Republican challenger and former US Attorney Chris Christie despite a number of high profile campaign appearances with President Obama stumping on behalf of the incumbent.
More recently, however, Corzine has gone on to become one of the top bundlers for Obama's 2012 campaign, raising at least $500,000 by many estimates.
A recent list of top “bundlers” or elite fundraisers released by Obama’s campaign listed Corzine in the highest category -- reporting that he had raised more than $500,000 for the campaign. A substantial chunk of those funds were collected at a $35,800 per ticket fundraiser that Corzine hosted at his wife’s spacious Fifth Avenue apartment last April -- an event that was touted at the time as part of a concerted effort by the president’s campaign team to reach out to well-heeled Wall Street donors who had been alienated by some of his policies and previous public comments.In the meantime, an estimated $700 million in funds from MF Securities remains unaccounted for.
The Obama Administration had promised to return monetary donations from Corzine [although they didn't clarify if it was Corzine's $5000 maximum individual contribution or the contributions in excess of $500,000 that Corzine helped bundle from other wealthy donors- NANESB!] earlier this week.
I find it quite telling that the whole #Occupy Wall Street movement claimed they had taken to the streets to protest nationwide about the greed and excess on Wall Street embodied by Corzine's actions at MF Securities, but have remained remarkably silent about Corzine and the primary benefactor of his largess, President Obama.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
2012 Draft: - Top 137 RHPs in Draft - UPDATED
1) RHP Mark Appel
6-11-10:- Mark Appel, RHP, Stanford: Some believe that Appel, a power pitcher who's been at the front of Stanford's rotation for two years, could be the No. 1 overall pick.
2012 Draft - Rising Pick - OF - David Dahl
David Dahl:
8-9-11: - - Dahl, who will be a senior this fall at Oak Mountain High School in Birmingham, Ala., will be in San Diego from Thursday through Sunday with 45 other top prospects in the class of 2012 to take part in the Perfect Game All-American Classic presented by Rawlings. Dahl is ranked the No. 13 top prospect overall and No. 3 outfield prospect in the country. He is one of three Alabama prospects on the All-American Classic East Team roster, joining right-hander/outfielder Jameis Winston from Hueytown and right-hander Tucker Simpson from Oxford.
8-25-11: - - This summer I went to the National Showcase, Prospect Classic, and the Under Armour All-American Game. Here is my updated top 50 HS prospects. - 23. David Dahl, OF, Oak Mountain HS
10-1-11: - - David Dahl has above average tools across the board and can play the game. Even after missing time during the summer due to illness, Dahl remains highly ranked by every scouting service. Dahl is advanced offensively, with a balanced level swing and quick hands. He has good bat speed and makes consistent contact. A line drive hitter, Dahl should add more home runs as he matures. He is aggressive on the bases, and, with his 6.5 spped, always a threat to steal. Dahl is one of the top defensive outfielders eligible for the 2012 draft. He complements his speed with a legitimate plus arm. When draft day arrives, Dahl is likely to be one of the first 20 names off the board.
10-28-11: - - David Dahl (Birmingham AL; Oak Mountain) – A kid that has missed a good portion of the summer circuit is making it in these four days with a solid showcase solidifying himself as one of the better prep players. Easily showed the defensive skill set that makes him one of the better defensive outfielders. Outstanding arm and range should allow him to stick in centerfield down the road. His speed plays well in the game and on the paths. What has really set him a part is his patience at the plate. A selective hitter with a compact swing and impressive bat speed. His path is more of a line drive, but should still have high contact rate with the chance for above average power down the road.
Berkman Wins Comeback Player of the Year
Lance Berkman won the NL Comeback Player of the Year!!! Congrats Lance you deserve it.
Berkman played in 145 games, most since 2008, for the Cardinals, hit .301/.412/.547, with 31 homers (most since 2007), and posted a career-high 166 OPS+. This last stat tops his previous high of a 163 OPS+ when he hit .315/.420/.621 in 2006.
The switch-hitter had a trying 2010 season that included a knee injury and knee surgery before it started. The lack of healthy compromised his swing, and he struggled to a season dotted with career lows. He hit only .248 with 12 homers and 58 RBIS. His slugging percentage in 2010 was .413, and he almost matched that with his .412 on-base percentage in 2011. He spent the 2010 season mostly with the Houston, the only team had played for until a late-season trade to the New York Yankees.
FLUSHING, N.Y., November 3, 2011 – The New York Mets today announced the club named Tommy Tanous Director of Amateur Scouting. Tanous replaces Chad MacDonald, who left to become the San Diego Padres Vice President, Assistant General Manager of Player Personnel.
Tanous, 42, joined the Mets prior to 2011 as a professional scout. He also assisted with scouting players for the First-Year Player Draft.
The Swansea, MA native was a National Crosschecker for the Toronto Blue Jays from 2004-2010. He was a Northeast area scout for the Texas Rangers in 2003 and held the same position with the Milwaukee Brewers from 1996-2002.
Tanous played shortstop at the American International College in Springfield, MA from 1990-91.
Matty Alou Passes Away Today
He died of diabetes complications, according to his former Dominican team, Leones del Escogido. The Giants also confirmed his death and said Alou had been sick for several years with a variety of health issues.
Hall of Famer Orlando Cepeda said he knew his “great friend” had been ailing.
“We roomed together a few times with the Giants,” Cepeda said by phone. “Very funny guy, hell of a ballplayer. When Matty was playing with the Giants, he was a dead fastball hitter, he could pull anybody, I don’t care how hard they threw.”
A two-time All-Star, Alou became the 1966 National League batting champion with the Pirates when he hit .342. He spent his first six years with San Francisco from 1960-65 and also played for St. Louis, Oakland, the New York Yankees and San Diego.
“Although he played for six different teams, Matty remained a part of the Giants family as a longtime employee and will be forever linked with his brothers, Felipe and Jesus, as the first all-brother major league outfield, the Giants said.
Alou — who worked for a time as an adviser in the Giants’ baseball operations department before his health problems persisted — was a career .307 hitter with 31 home runs, 427 RBIs, 1,777 hits and 236 doubles in 15 major league seasons.
“He went to Pittsburgh and switched from a light bat to a heavy bat, and he hit .340 one year,” Cepeda recalled.
The Alou brothers made history in 1963 when they appeared in the same outfield for several games.
Felipe Alou, who managed the Giants for four seasons from 2003-06, takes pride in how the Alou name has endured in baseball.
“It’s a family legacy,” Felipe said during his time managing the Giants. “The Alou legacy is a legacy in itself. I see all of us together being a force going through this game, and still going. The respect, I’m proud of that, and length of service.”
Leones President Luis Manuel Bonetti added: “Dominican baseball in general and Leones in particular, has lost one of its most emblematic figures and an extraordinary human being.”
Felipe Alou still believes he cost the Giants a championship in 1962 when he failed to get down a bunt in the ninth inning of Game 7 of the 1962 World Series. It would have moved Matty from first to second. The Giants lost the game 1-0 and the Series to the New York Yankees.
In 2010, San Francisco finally captured the city’s first title since moving west in 1958.
A memorial service was held Thursday and Alou was scheduled to be buried Friday. He is survived by his wife, Maria Teresa, three children — Mateo Jr., Teresa and Matias — and four grandchildren. In addition, he is survived by five siblings: brothers Felipe, Jesus and Jose, and sisters Zula and Virginia.
Alou and his wife celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary Oct. 27.
2012 Draft: - Top 47 Catchers in Draft - UPDATED
1) Mike Zunino
3-21-11: - - Moves well behind the plate; quick foot work; good arm Simple short swing; extends arms well Showed ability to turn on pitch, ripped pitch foul, and blasted a 2-2 slider over the fence Power came to pull side, but did manage to slap the ball opposite field while protecting the plate in first AB
6-10-11: - - Sophomore Mike Zunino (Cape Coral, Fla.) drove in three runs and Florida (49-16) scored in each of the first five innings to defeat Mississippi State (37-24), 11-1, in the opening game of the best-of-three NCAA Gainesville Super Regional on Friday afternoon at McKethan Stadium. Game two will be on Saturday at noon and be shown nationally on ESPN, with the Gators needing one more victory to punch the program’s seventh ticket to the NCAA College World Series
6-11-11: - - Player of the game: C Mike Zunino, Florida -- The Gators wanted to get off to a hot start against Mississippi State, and they did just that with the sophomore stud catcher leading the charge. Zunino had a key two-RBI single in the first inning and finished the afternoon 2-for-4 with a home run, two runs scored and three RBIs. Zunino was named the SEC Player of the Year a few weeks ago, and this is just another example of why that was the case.
Ranked #89 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
6-15-11: - - 1. C Mike Zunino, Florida -- The outstanding sophomore has had an incredible campaign for the Gators and hopes to continue his consistent ways in Omaha. Zunino is hitting .376 with 22 doubles, 18 home runs and 66 RBIs. He also has a .686 slugging percentage and a solid .444 OBP. Additionally, Zunino has induced 29 walks this season
6-15-11: - - NCBWA Division I All-America Team THIRD TEAM C *Mike Zunino, Florida, So. .376 67 245 72 92 22-0-18 66 29 47 7/9
6-15-11: - - Perfect Game College All-Americans - (Mike) Zunino has been fantastic at and behind the plate this season. He's hitting a team-high .376 with 22 doubles, 18 home runs and 66 RBIs. He's also slugging .686 and has a .444 OBP. Zunino also has been near perfect behind the plate with just two errors
6-18-11: - Twitter – DmndScpScouting - Zunino was 1.97 pop to 2nd there. #CWS 2012
6-20-11: - - C Mike Zunino, the reigning SEC Hitter of the Year, should also get some love after a season that saw him pace the Gators with a .376 average and 18 home runs. He finished second on the squad with 66 RBI. Behind the plate, he was excellent, making only two errors, good for a fielding percentage of .996. He was so good in fact that he forced freshman sensation Austin Maddox off of the position. Zunino was a former 30th-round pick back in 2009.
6-28-11: - - I can’t see any catcher in the 2012 draft class overtaking Zunino for the top spot. The Florida catcher is a big league catcher defensively already, and his bat should make him one of the better hitting catchers in pro ball before long. No mention of Zunino and this year’s College World Series without providing this unbelievable clip:
7-15-11: - - Mike Zunino plays catcher at a Major League level and is a likely first round choice in the 2012 draft. Zunino has a solid, disciplined approach at the plate. He has a quick bat and solid pull power. Many point to holes in Zunino’s swing and he is likely to have a high strikeout rate at the next level. His willingness to take a walk should help offset the strikeouts. Zunino truely shines defensively. He moves well and does a good job of blocking balls in the dirt. Zunino’s arm is strong and accurate. He has good hands. Zunino’s father, Greg, is a scout for the Reds which is one of the reasons he is such a good student of the game. Zunino received catching gear for Christmas when he was 6 years old and plays like he has been behind the plate since that day.
7-19-11: - - Mike Zunino, Florida, 6’1 210, R/R, has come into his own in college and has total package to be a great catcher for a long time, ala Charlie O’Brien, former Wichita State star in the 80’s, could be in the top 10 players taken in 2012
. 9-12-11: - - Mike Zunino will look to return to his sophomore form as he was named 2011 SEC Player of the Year after hitting .371 with 19 homers and 67 RBI in a breakout season. Zunino made an interesting decision to not play for Team USA this summer and only appeared in eleven games with Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox before heading home for the summer
9-22-11: - - Dave Rawnsley was extremely high on Zunino in the PG prospect chat yesterday as well. I asked him about Zunino and Trahan and he said Zunino was on another level, and projected him as a potential Top 5 pick. Not surprisingly, the opinion that college has less to offer this year is also held at PG, and extrapolating from various comments over there they see just a handful of current first round locks among college position players (Marrero, Zunino, Roache, Jankowski). If Yasmani Grandal was a legitimate option for KC at #4 in his draft, Zunino is absolutely in that range based on what I’ve seen. And I can attest that Jeff’s Zunino comments were the chief anecdotal source bolstering Zunino’s excellent performance stats for me.
9-28-11: - - Good defensive catcher with bat speed, patience and power. He will K some… but who cares? You’ll be getting plenty of offense from a good defender at a premium position. It may sound crazy… but with a good season he really could push himself into #1 overall consideration IMO. Appel and Marrero are not exactly known for their consistency… if they continue that trend this year and still want big paydays… I have Zunino 5th on my board right now (Gausman and Giolito also above him). I would not be shocked at all to see him have a dominant season though… and that may be enough in a class where there hasn’t been a clear #1.
2) Stryker Trahan
6-24-10: - - After watching the Junior National Showcase at Tropicana Field. Here is my top ten list for the class of 2012. - 4. Stryker Trahan- C, Acadiana HS
Ranked #76 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
7-19-11: - Stryker Trahan, Acadiana HS, Scott LA, 6’1 215, L/R, brute strength and runs well for size, stiff with actions as a receiver and in throwing, has plus arm strength, accuracy to bases was eratic, showed some pop from left side with occ power to RF alley. A specimen who needs to loosen up a bit.
8-15-11: - - 2011 Under Armour All America Game Top 10 Prospects - 1. Stryker Trahan 2012 C 6'1 218 Scott, LA Acadiana - Trahan has power near the top of the scale. He is a catcher with 5 potential above average tools. That is about as good as it gets.
8-15-11: - - Stryker Trahan – C/1B HT -6’1’’ WT – 215 Acadiana (LA) -Trahan was basically born into his position; both of his parents were catchers growing up. Coming into 2011 he was a bit of a sleeper but he has made himself known to everyone. His breakout came at the Area Code games this year. He squared up everything and showed impressive power. Behind the plate he shows off extremely quick feet and an impressive arm (1.87 pop time). Trahan is also an extremely impressive athlete as he is also a star quarterback (making the strong arm no surprise). Young catchers with both the defense and offense are hard to find, and with an impressive senior season it wouldn’t be a shock to see Stryker’s name soar up draft boards.
8-25-11: - - This summer I went to the National Showcase, Prospect Classic, and the Under Armour All-American Game. Here is my updated top 50 HS prospects. - 15. Stryker Trahan- C, Acadiana HS
10-5-11: - - Stryker Trahan is a catcher with legitimate lefthanded power. One of the things that jumps out about Stryker is the amount of athleticism he brings to the position. Trahan is known for his power and overall hitting ability. He has a short stroke with excellent bat speed. Trahan has good plate discipline and makes solid contact consistently. He also brings good speed to the table, running 60′s from 6.54 to 6.67. Offense is Trahan’s calling card, but he has the tools needed to succeed at catcher, as well. He moves well behind the plate and has a strong arm. Reported pop times for Trahan range from 1.85 to 2.01. Should he be needed to move from catcher in the future, right field would be his most likely landing spot. Trahan’s combination of lefthanded power and athleticism should land him in the upped half of the first round of the draft.
3) Josh Elander:
7-9-11: - - Josh Elander, C/OF, TCU - A sturdy athlete with a strong, compact frame, Elander has been a promising prospect before he stepped onto Texas Christian's campus as part of the same class that included Matt Purke. He was the Horned Frogs' second leading hitter each of the past two springs, and has more power potential than his seven career collegiate home runs indicate.
7-19-11: - - Josh “Jake” Elander, TCU, 6’2 1/2 210, R/R, have seen this young man since days at the TOS event in Cary. Strong arm and durable body with some pop in his bat and power to LF, runs decent for a catcher, could be a quality catcher or backup at the ML level quickly.
10-8-11: - - When Mike Zunino backed out of playing with USA Baseball’s Collegiate National Team this summer, Josh Elander was called upon to take his place. Elander is a solid batting prospect. He has shown good plate discipline since arriving at TCU. While he has hit only 7 home runs in his two college seasons, there is power potential in his bat. Elander runs well for a catcher, stealing 20 bases in 28 attempts at TCU and running a 6.78 60 in high school. Elander has, at least, average tools defensively. His recorded pop times in high school were from 1.90-1.96. Overall, Elander is an athletic catcher with good offensive potential. Projections have his draft position from late first round to the third round. His showing behind the plate this year will, in large part, determine where he is drafted in June.
4) Austin Maddox
Ranked #18 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
4-4-11: - - Player: Austin Maddox College: University of Florida Position: First Baseman Bats/Throws: R/R Height/Weight: 6'3" / 225 lbs. Tall with wide shoulder and a well developed upper half Hits from a slight crouch Plenty of bat speed Occasionally will lose his balance during swing Easy power when he squares the ball up: deposited belt high fastball into LF stands Best contact came from pitches on the inner half
6-10-11 from - 20 Arizona Austin Maddox C Florida 6' 3" 225
6-20-11: - - There’s also C/INF Austin Maddox, who exploded onto the scene as a freshman, hitting .333 with 17 home runs and 72 RBI in 2010. Maddox turned down a 37th-round offer from the Rays to attend UF, and despite suffering through a tough season (.280, 6 HR, 35 RBI) should be one of the top corner infielders available in 2012.
7-19-11: - - Austin Maddox, Florida, 6’3 210, pure arm strength and decent mechanics, will touch 95 on occ, suited to be a closer, like him more behind the plate, but with Zunino there, he’s having a tough time showing scouts that is where he belongs. Will be interesting to see this fall.
10-17-11: - - Austin Maddox, C/IF, Florida - Maddox came out of high school as a catcher with a big arm and power potential. He was one of my favorite prep prospects who made it to college. Arriving in Gainesville with Mike Zunino took catching away from Maddox’s profile, at least for the duration of his time in college. He has played primarily the corner infield spots for the Gators while also spending time at DH. The big bat remained for Maddux in 2010. He hit .333/.369/.587 with 17 home runs on his way to being named the SEC Freshman of the Year. Maddox experienced a drop-off at the plate in 2011, falling to .280/.327/.368 with 6 home runs. A return to catcher will have to wait until Maddox reaches the next level, but a return to his freshman form as a batter could shoot him up draft boards.
5) Alex Bregman:
7-19-11: - - Alex Bregman, Albuquerque Academy, Albuquerque NM, 5’11 180, R/R, gamer with fair arm strength, best tools are quick bat, bat speed & strength and ability to square up ball with the bat, occ power to LF alley, 4.38 runner from RH side, could move to 2b or LF. Competitor!
10-16-11: - - Alex Bregman has been on the 2012 draft radar for quite a while. In 2010, Bregman became the first youth player ever named the USA Baseball Player of the Year. Past recipients of the award include Stephen Strasburg, Ryan Zimmerman, and Ben Sheets. He followed up his strong showing in 2010, by participating in the Perfect Game All-American Classic and being named to the USA Baseball 18U National Team in 2011. Bregman is an extremely advanced hitter for his age. He has a good approach and shows good plate discipline. He is relaxed at the plate and has an easy line drive swing. Bregman has plus bat speed. He squares up the ball well. He has surprising power and hits to all fields. 60 times for Bregman range from 6.8 to 7.0.
6) Kevin Plawecki
Ranked #133 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation -
7) Tomas Nido:
8-25-11: - - This summer I went to the National Showcase, Prospect Classic, and the Under Armour All-American Game. Here is my updated top 50 HS prospects. - 44. Tomas Nido- C, Orangewood Christian
8) Nelson Rodriguez
Ranked #65 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
8-31-11: - - Nelson Rodriguez is an enormous Catcher out of George Washington High School in New York. He is listed at 6'2" and 215 lbs. I thik he may even be bigger than that. Behind the dish, he is an enormous target. He is agile enough to block balls in the dirt well. He has a big arm but a slow release grading out about average. He has big power potential but his swing is a little inconsistent. He has great bat speed. He's not a slow runner but he's not fast either. He'll only slow down as he gets bigger though. He looks like a top 10 round talent to me and could go as high as the third if a team believes in his defensive ability. He looks like a potential starting catcher in the majors but may be a C/1B type that can hit .260/.330/.470
8-25-11: - - This summer I went to the National Showcase, Prospect Classic, and the Under Armour All-American Game. Here is my updated top 50 HS prospects. - 41. Nelson Rodriguez- C, George Washington HS
10-8-11: - - One of the top names among catchers eligible for the 2012 MLB draft is Nelson Rodriguez of George Washington High in New York. He capped off a busy 2011 summer by playing in the Perfect Game All-American Classic and winning the event’s home run derby. Rodriguez is best known for the power in his bat. He has great raw power and can hit the ball out to all fields. Rodriguez has good bat speed and shows strong pitch recognition. Rodriguez moves well behind the plate. He has soft hands and a strong arm. Rodriguez has a recorded pop time of 1.90. There is some concern that if he gets much bigger, Rodriguez could be forced to move to first base.Rodriguez has enough potential with his bat to be a legitimate prospect at either catcher or first base, but his draft stock hinges on whether teams believe his future is behind the plate or down the line at first.
9) Wyatt Mathisen:
8-25-11: - - This summer I went to the National Showcase, Prospect Classic, and the Under Armour All-American Game. Here is my updated top 50 HS prospects. - 50. Wyatt Mathisen- C, Calallen HS
10-24-11: - - Player: Wyatt Mathisen Position: C/SS/RHP School: Calallen HS (TX) Date of Birth: 12/30/1993 Height/Weight: 6’2/215 Bats/Throws: R/R Class Of: 2012 Committed To: Texas Scouting Report: Wyatt Mathisen is one of the top prep prospects from the state of Texas. Although he has played primarily at shortstop and pitcher in high school, Mathisen spent time behind the plate during the summer and that is where he profiles best moving forward. At the plate, Mathisen has a nice swing with good power potential. He shows good patience and makes consistent contact. Despite spending most of his time at other positions, Mathisen shows good skills behind the plate. Mathisen has a strong and accurate arm, with a recorded pop tome of 1.94. He shows rust in some areas, but that is to be expected until he moves behind the plate fulltime.
10) Peter O’Brien:
8-31-11: - - Former UM broadcaster Justin Antweil has confirmed the Internet Reports that Bethune-Cookman catcher Peter O’Brien will be transferring to Miami. (Link) O’Brien was one of the top catchers in the country in 2011 at Bethune-Cookman while being selected in the third round by the Rockies. He was not able to come to an agreement with team making him eligible to return to school. He is expected to appeal to the NCAA for a waiver to become eligible for the 2012 season. Last season, we had rated O’Brien was the 18th best player in the nation in our Top 100 countdown. He is expected to be on our countdown this season.
10-31-11: - - Bethune-Cookman C Peter O’Brien surprised everybody when he didn’t sign as a third round pick this past June. He surprised everybody again when he announced his intention to transfer to Miami with the hopes of being eligible to play for the Hurricanes in 2012. If deemed eligible, I think this is a genius move on O’Brien’s part. He now has the opportunity to play big time college ball in a major conference for a team with legitimate postseason aspirations. Scouts who questioned his defense and ability to make enough contact – the same questions that were asked last year at this time, by the way — will get many marquee ACC matchups to come see him play. Bonus points for doing all of that while soaking up his last year of limited responsibility in the awesome college backdrop Miami provides. 99% of the time I think players should take the pro money and not think twice (if I was O’Brien’s “advisor” I would have begged him to sign with the Rockies), but quality of life, even if that “life” is only one year, shouldn’t be ignored. Maybe this is all an overreaction because I foolishly spent my four undergrad years in snowy Boston, but good on O’Brien for taking the road less travelled.
11) Cameron Saylor
Ranked #172 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation -
8-12-11: - - C C.J. Saylor (5'10" 180, R/R, West Covina, CA) is an excellent receiver, blocks balls in the dirt extremely well, and looks to have a chance to hit for some average, with a compact, strong stroke. He isn't sexy or that big strong monster behind the plate with the wow arm and big raw power but his skills and talents at his position, they play very well.
12) Brad Zebedis
6-15-11: - - NCBWA Division I All-America Team - FIRST TEAM - DH Brad Zebedis, Presbyterian , So. .425 56 212 47 90 23-0-13 57 16 22 1/2
Ranked #187 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation -
13) Drew Fann
6-17-11: - JR C Drew Fann (2012) - Fann isn’t an early round candidate, but the demand for quality catch-and-throw prospects could get him drafted as a late round senior sign in 2012. The Vanderbilt catching job is up for grabs heading into next year, and it would come as no surprise if Fann took the job with a strong fall. I should point out that I’ve read that Fann is a senior who is exhausted his eligibility on a few Vanderbilt-specific sites, but the official Vandy website has him listed as a redshirt junior. In other words, I don’t know what’s going on with Fann, but the possibility exists that I just spent 117 words on an undrafted player without any more college eligibility .
14) Spencer Kieboom
6-20-11: - - Clemson SO C Spencer Kieboom | .300/.382/.382 – 23 BB/12 K – 170 AB - There is a lot to like about Spencer Kieboom. First, he’s got a good approach at the plate. Next up, there is his even better defense behind the plate. Finally, and best of all, there is his name, Spencer Kieboom. The first two may be more important with respect to his future in baseball, but I’d say that last quality alone is more than enough to get him on every early 2012 watch list.
15) Dane Phillips
Ranked #189 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation -
8-9-11: - - Dane Phillips followed up a successful sophomore season at Oklahoma State with an All-Star summer at the Cape. Phillips bat is the strength of his game. He has an easy swing with good bat speed. Phillips hits to all fields. There is pop in his bat and a jump in home runs could come. During his sophomore season, Phillips started 47 games at DH and just 4 at catcher. He received more time behind the plate at the Cape and reportedly showed improvement. He also showed off a strong arm from the outfield during the summer
8-14-11: - - Dane Phillips, C, Oklahoma State- I started paying more attention to Phillips when I was talking with Tyler Ogle earlier this year. Asked who the top players he had played against were, Dane Phillips was one of the two players that Ogle named. Phillips had a great summer, putting up a .349/.446/.527 line with 4 home runs in 129 at bats. he was named to the Cape’s All-Star Team and won the batting title. Used primarily as a DH so far at Oklahoma State, Phillips got on the field more this summer, playing both catcher and right field. Reports are that he showed improvement behind the plate and had a plus arm.
10-17-11: - - Dane Phillips, C, Arkansas - Dane Phillips’ bat should not be in question. He has hit in both years at Oklahoma State (.337/.413/.477 in 2009 and .339/.391/.518 in 2010) and earned All-Star recognition at the Cape this summer while batting .349/.446/.527 with 4 home runs in 129 at bats. Two questions face Phillips as he looks to improve his draft stock. First, teams believing in his ability to remain behind the plate will have a large part to play in where Phillips is drafted. He started only four games at catcher for Oklahoma State last season while starting at DH 47 times. Phillips got more time at catcher while on the Cape and reports on his defense were promising. The second question for Phillips is whether or not the NCAA will grant his waiver and allow him to play for Arkansas this season. The opportunity for more time behind the plate was rumored to be one of the reasons for his transfer, but he has to be able to take the field for the move to pay off.
11-2-11: - - Top 35 Position Players in the Cape Cod League 1. Dane Phillips C Chatham Anglers—Arkansas Dane (6-1/200) spent his first two collegiate seasons at Oklahoma State. All he did this summer was hit. He second in the league with a .349 batting average in 129 at-bats. He found a way to get on base (.446 OBP) and he found a way to score runs (23). He also led the league with 34 runs batted in. Dane, a 2009 Seattle Mariners draft pick, finished the summer out by hitting 7 doubles, 2 triples and hitting 4 home runs. He was named both an All-Star and he was selected to the Cape Cod All-League team. Perfect Game ranked him as the 28th best prospect in the league, while Baseball America ranked him as the 29th best prospect in the league. Back on October 4th, I profiled Dane as one of my 2011 Top Performers.
16) Blake Hickman
Ranked #34 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
7-19-11: - - Blake Hickman, Simeon HS, Chicago IL, 6’4 1/2 200, R/R, strong ML arm, pop times at best were 1.97 real time, has quick bat with occ power, body to fill out in time, potential ML backup catcher, would like to see him convert to the hill to utilize his arm strength, will go as far as bat takes him.
17) Clint Coultier
Ranked #61 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
8-9-11: - - Coulter has a physical build at 6-foot-3 and 200 pounds. He's muscular through his core with strong thighs and forearms. Along with baseball, he used to also participate in football, basketball and wrestling. In high school, he's only played baseball and done wresting, but he'll give that up this year to focus solely on baseball—especially after gaining 30 pounds during workouts since last year (he wrestled in the 189-pound weight class). Coulter, who is looking at several Pacific-12 Conference schools, is a relatively-new convert to catching. He grew up—like many top prospects did—mainly playing shortstop and pitching. But his high school coach, Tom Lampkin, caught for 13 years in the big leagues and suggested he make the transition. So Coulter has been behind the plate for just three years now. It's not an easy transition, but it certainly helps having a former big leaguer there to guide the process.
18) Rob Amaro:
6-20-11: - - INF/C Rob Amaro got very little time on the field this season, but could next year. He was a 40th-round pick of the Phillies back in 2009, mostly because of his relation to his uncle, Ruben Amaro, the Phillies GM. He could really benefit from seeing some time behind the plate.
19) Chad Morgan
6-23-11: - - Virginia Tech SO C Chad Morgan | .237/.333/.360 – 16 BB/34 K – 139 AB - Morgan was a favorite heading into 2011 because of his big power upside, plus arm strength, and well above-average defensive skills. His sophomore year numbers don’t exactly scream early round candidate heading into 2012, but the big tools remain
20) Matt Fultz:
6-28-11: - - When I look at catching prospects, I see two different groups. The ones who will be sticking behind the plate in the future and the ones who are waiting to move to a different position. Matt Fultz’s present and future are at catcher. Fultz is a left-handed power bat. He has very good bat speed. His swing is short and he consistently makes hard contact. Fultz looks natural behind the plate. He moves well and frames pitches well. Fultz has sub 2 second pop times. He has a good arm and does a good job shutting down the opponent’s running game.
21) Tom Murphy:
7-9-11: - - Tom Murphy, C, Buffalo - A natural leader, Murphy is a good fit behind the plate at a position that is always in demand at every level of the game. Putting up big numbers in two years while hailing from a non-traditional baseball powerhouse, he had the opportunity to showcase his skills among the best college players in the nation, and made the most of that opportunity, albeit in limited duty.
7-19-11: - - Tom Murphy, Buffalo, 6’1 200, R/R, playing for Team USA over the summer, this sturdy backstop has surprising ower and a nice line drive stroke to RF and LF alleys, shows solid arm strength and sub 2.0 release times to 2b, shifts well and is alert, could be one of top catchers taken in 2012 MLB Draft. Love his attitude on the field.
10-29-11: - We continue the countdown today at number 77 with Buffalo junior catcher Tom Murphy. The West Monroe, New York native attended Central Square High School. He was a three year captain for coaches Kyle Brown and John Jefferies. As a senior, he batted .510 with eight home runs, eight doubles and three triples while being named First-Team All-CNY and CNY Athlete of the Year.
As a freshman in 2010, he started 36 games and appearing in six other games. He finished the season with a .313 average while hitting four homers and driving in 25 runs. Murphy had a breakout season as a sophomore leading the Bulls in hitting with a .384 batting average while hitting ten homers and driving in 44 runs. He spent the summer mostly in the NECBL with the Holyoke Blue Sox hitting .285 with 10 homers and 28 RBI. He also played in the NECBL All-Star game against the USA Collegiate National Team. He ended up hitting a long homer off of LSU’s Kevin Gausman. (Video below) After the game, he was added to the USA Collegiate National Team roster. He played in four games (two starts) where he did not get a basehit in eight official at-bats.
22) Mike Lubanski:
7-19-11: - - Mike Lubanski, Wake Forest, 5’11 185 R/R, limited playing time as a soph, has shown capable release and throwing arm strength, along with ability to run and has pop in his bat. Playing time needed to increase value.
23) Scott Williams
7-19-11: - - Scott Williams, Conestoga HS, Berwyn PA, 6’1 1/2 195, R/R, decent arm strength, was 1.94 on pop time, showed decent hands receiving pitches and shifting well, has long swing at present with some arm strength. Must see again.
24) Chris Harvey:
7-19-11: - - Chris Harvey, Germantown Acad. HS, Norristown PA, 6’5 210, R/R, strong kid with lots of room to fill out, has ML arm, release is slow as he needs to stand to deliver to 2b, best pop times for me were 2.02 real time, has long swing with power potential, long term project but plays game right and appears to enjoy being out there.
9-27-11: - - It's a different world Christopher Harvey finds himself in today. The massive 6-foot-6, 210-pound all-American catcher out of Germantown Academy (Fort Washington, Pa.) has a lot of time to sort through, a schedule to keep — on his own — and no one hovering to remind him about studying. It's what any typical college freshman athlete endures. The major difference is that Harvey should be enjoying his senior year at Germantown Academy, biding his time and working towards being drafted in next June's Major League Baseball Amateur Draft.
25) Nelson Rodriguez:
7-19-11: - - Nelson Rodriguez, George Washington HS, Brooklyn NY, 6’1 230 R/R, strong body, huge legs, good bat speed with power potential, stands to throw and has ML arm strength, not real quick in his actions behind the plate, played mostly 1b at TOS event, put the bat on the ball which is his trademark, runs better than he showed out of the box but is not going to be a base running threat. 13-20 round type.
26) Tony Gushue:
7-19-11: - - Taylor Gushue, Calvary Christian, Boca Raton FL, 6’2 190, S/R, showed a better approach to hitting this year shortening his stroke, 1.95 on pop times to 2b, know how as a receiver, has power from left side of plate, definite follow, would be a 13-20 round type for me.
27) Darrell Miller:
8-12-11: - - I also liked Darrell Miller (6'2" 200, R/R, Yorba Linda, CA) mostly because he is a tremendous receiver, with strong, soft hands that just seemed to eat up the pitch and stop it in it's tracks. He sits really well behind the plate and presents a great target too. His actions are quiet and small. Offensively I think he will struggle more than Saylor but he has a little power and he generally has a pretty short swing with some strength in it.
28) A.J. Kennedy:
8-12-11: - - The other catcher who did some things I liked was A.J. Kennedy (6'0" 180, R/R, Anaheim, CA). The one thing Kennedy has that the other two catchers don't is a plus arm and it is a legitimate plus arm. I tend to think his catching/receiving actions behind the plate are a bit too showy for my tastes and think he could certainly quiet down some of that stuff because his arm stands out plenty well. He was 1.91 in the game and was below 1.90 between innings and that plays. Kennedy struggled with the bat a bit due to a swing that gets too long but if he can figure out a way to shorten that up, be happy making hard contact and hitting for some average with some extra base pop, his catch/throw ability could move him up draft lists.
29) Daniel Garner
8-30-11: - - Daniel Garner is one of the top prospects in the state of Alabama and one of the top catching prospects in the country. Garner moves well behind the plate and has soft hands. He has good arm strength, but the accuracy on his throws needs some work. His recorded pop is 1.85. Garner has good bat speed and is able to drive the ball to all fields. His power should be a strength at the next level. His recorded 60 time is 7.48. Daniel Garner has good all around tools and is well worth following into the draft.
30) Taylor Gushue
Ranked #68 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
31) R.J. Ybarra
Ranked #71 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
32) Chris Chinea
Ranked #83 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
33) Ty Hensley
Ranked #90 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
34) Chase Fowler
Ranked #97in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation
35) Chase Anselment
Ranked #115 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation -
36) Michael Klement
Ranked #154 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation -
37) David Houser
Ranked #177 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation -
38) Jonathan Walsh
Ranked #187 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation -
39) Aaron Jones
Ranked #196 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation -
40) Zac Fisher
Ranked #200 in the 2012 Prospects List compiled by the All-American Athletic Foundation -
41) Peter Cantwell:
10-4-11: - - We continue the countdown today with Stony Brook senior catcher Patrick Cantwell. The senior has had an outstanding career with the Seawolves which has seen him win multiple conference awards. He played three years of varsity baseball at West Islip HS and was a three-time captain. As a senior, he hit .477 with 31 runs, eight triples, two home runs and 33 RBIs. Cantwell continued with his strong college career as a junior when he became the everyday catcher. He started 54 games with a .308 batting average with 14 doubles and 46 runs scored from the leadoff spot. He played the summer of 2011 in the Cape Cod Baseball League with the Bourne Braves. He hit .279 with 18 runs scored and nine RBI in 35 games including the postseason. He was named a CCBL All-Star where he went 0-2.
42) Andrew Stumph
10-10-11: - - We continue the countdown today at number 94 in Texas State junior Andrew Stumph. The 6’0 210 pound catcher out of Katy, Texas had an outstanding prep career at Katy High School. He picked up four letters under Tom McPherson. He was named All-Greater Houston Co-Newcomer of the Year as a freshman in 2006 as he set a school record with 51 RBIs. He also earned three-time all-state honors and all-American honorable mention in 2008 and 2009 while being named 2009 district MVP. As a freshman in 2010, he played in 54 games, starting 46 of those contests mostly at catcher. He finished the season with a .277 batting average (51-for-184), five home runs, five doubles, two triples, 36 RBIs and 24 runs scored. He spent the summer of 2010 with the Texas Tomcats in the Texas Collegiate League. He appeared in 25 games with a .200 batting average while driving in three runs.
43) Ronnie Freeman:
10-15-11: - - We continue the countdown today at number 89 with Kennesaw State junior catcher Ronnie Freeman. The Lawrenceville, Georgia native attended Brookwood High School where he was a four year letter winner. He helped the team win the region championship in 07 and to a national ranking of 3rd in 2008. Freeman stepped right into the starting lineup for the Owls appearing in 54 games including 52 starts. He led the team in hitting with a .365 batting average while hitting nine homers and 47 RBI. Ronnie continued his strong collegiate career last season leading the Owls in hitting for a second time. He finished the year with a .392 batting average while hitting ten homers and driving in 51 runs. He spent the summer of 2011 in the NECBL with the Holyoke Blue Sox playing in 45 games between the regular season and postseason. He finished the summer with a .349 batting average, six homers, and 27 RBI. Baseball America rated him as the second best prospect in the NECBL after the season was over. Freeman also served as an altenate on the 2011 USA Collegiate National Team playing in six games hitting .500 in ten at-bats.
44) C.J. Saylor:
10-16-11: - Player: C.J. Saylor - Position: C - School: South Hills HS (CA) - Date of Birth: 10/14/1993 - Height/Weight: 5’10/180 - Bats/Throws: R/R - Class Of: 2012 - Committed To: San Diego State - Scouting Report: CJ Saylor is among the catching prospects who is a sure bet to remain behind the plate moving forward. Saylor has a compact swing with good bat speed. He is a line drive hitter who should hit for a high average going forward. Saylor has good catch and throw skills behind the plate. He moves well and does an excellent job blocking balls in the dirt. Recorded pop times for Saylor range from 1.75 to 2.01. -
45) Drake Duncan:
10-16-11: - Player: Drake Duncan - Position: C/2B/OF - School: Ben Davis HS (IN) - Date of Birth: 9/15/1993 - Height/Weight: 5’9/170 - Bats/Throws: R/R - Class Of: 2012 Committed To: Scouting Report: Drake Duncan is a prep catcher from Ben Davis High School in Indiana. He is a good athlete with the ability to play multiple positions. Over the summer, Duncan played catcher, second base, and outfield for the Indiana Bulls. Duncan has quick feet and a good arm behind the plate. He has recorded pop times from 1.8-2.21. Duncan has a good approach at the plate and drives the ball to all fields. His recorded time in the 60 is 6.8. Overall, Duncan is a hard nosed player who should be able to stay behind the plate at the next level
46) Jason Goldstein:
10-21-11: - -Player: Jason Goldstein Position: C School: Highland Park HS (IL) Date of Birth: 3/9/1994 Height/Weight: 6’0/190 Bats/Throws: R/R Class Of: 2012 Committed To: Illinois Scouting Report: Jason Goldstein is one of the top prep catchers eligible for the 2012 MLB draft. He has a mature, durable body that should hold up well behind the plate. A steady player, Goldstein has good present skills. Goldstein has a good approach at the plate. Among all players at the 2011 Area Code Games, Goldstein had the 10th highest average, at .363. He has quick hands and good bat speed. He has a line drive swing with some power. Goldstein’s recorded time in the 60 is 7.54. Goldstein looks good behind the plate. He gets rid of the ball quickly and his throws are accurate. Goldstein’s pop times range from 1.80 to 1.88.
47) Steven Sauter:
10-21-11: - Stephen Sauter Position: C School: Troy HS (CA) Date of Birth: 2/8/1994 Height/Weight: 6’2/190 Bats/Throws: S/R Class Of: 2012 Committed To: Oregon Scouting Report: Stephen Sauter is a switch hitting catcher from California. He has a projectable body with room to fill out and add strength. Sauter is a legitimate switch hitter with an easy swing from both sides of the plate. He squares up well and projects good power. Sauter has good skills behind the plate. His pop times range from 1.81 to 2.02 with an accurate arm.
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