David Freese
Friday, November 4, 2011
David Freese
Some background on Freese:
He played at Lafayette High School in Wildwood, Missouri. He started for four seasons on the Varsity squad, but clearly his senior year, in which Freese earned All-State honors, was his most productive. After his four years at Lafayette, Freese play baseball in his freshman year at Meramec Community College, hitting a stellar .396 while driving in 41 RBIs to go along with 10 home runs in just 46 games. As a sophomore, he transferred to South Alambama University, and following an entire season in which he was required to sit out, Freese hit .373 average as a junior. In the Padres’ farm system, he excelled, but Freese was traded to the Cardinals in return for former All-Star center fielder Jim Edmonds. The Corpus Christi native immediately found himself with St. Louis’ AAA affiliate, the Memphis Redbirds. Freese’s play earned him countless promotions to the Major Leagues, yet he could not sustain his success on the highest level in both 2008 and 2009. It was not until starting third baseman Troy Glaus departed to Atlanta in 2010 that Freese, then in spring training, looked prime to shine. With a vote of confidence from manager Tony LaRussa, Freese hit over .300 in both April and May of 2010. June, however, did not prove to be as auspicious. Freese hit just .234, before rolling his ankle. He was later placed on the 15 day disabled list, and Freese expects to return to the Cardinals’ starting lineup by the All-Star break.
Lets Face Reality: With Reyes/Wright Probably Leaving, The Rebuilding Could Take Longer....
As today marks the first day of Free Agency in Major League Baseball, Jose Reyes is officially on the open-market. Teams like the Giants, the Marlins, and many others will atleast make an attempt to sign the speedy Reyes. The Mets still do have a chance to get him back. However, the one thing we need to see visually, is the reality of whats happening.
With Jose Reyes a free-agent, and the Mets Ownership not willing to go at least 5-years on a deal with Reyes, we really need to face the harsh reality of whats likely to happen. Jose Reyes will probably go sign with another team. Its more than likely going to be the team that gives Reyes the most money, or even the best possible chance to win.
With that being said, I feel that with Reyes leaving, and Wright potentially leaving as well, this rebuilding Mets ball-club could potentially have more rebuilding to do, and it could take more than just 2012 to even complete the rebuilding process. I know that I am not a GM, nor am I a scout, or even the owner of a ballclub, but realistically with the players we could have without Wright, and Reyes, rebuilding could take more time than previously expected.
Without Jose Reyes or David Wright in the Mets lineup, the offense would have very little depth. Sure the Mets have Jason Bay, and Ike Davis still on the Mets roster, but with Bay's struggles from the past two seasons, I just don't see the Mets having alot of depth in almost every aspect of the entire roster. Even the pitching staff really doesn't have alot of depth.
With Johan Santana coming back, that adds alittle more depth than what we had with the rotation this past season, but after Johan, there isn't a whole lot of depth. We've got R.A. Dickey, Jonathan Niese, and Mike Pelfrey.
I have always been a man that thinks realistically, and I personally believe with the two franchise players probably gone this year, or even next year, the Mets are still going to have alot of rebuilding to do before we can call this team an actual playoff contender. You know what they said, "It only gets worse before it gets better".
The Keepers: - #20 - OF - Cory Vaughn
20. Cory Vaughn:
Vaughn was drafted by the Mets in the 4th round of the 2010 draft.
My draft analysis on Vaughn: Well, it didn’t take long for the Mets to pull one out of their arse. I have basically nothing on Vaughn, other than a couple of 200+ round picks on some early mocks. It is very hard to find anything positive about this guy, other than the fact that his father was named Greg. He seems to swing at anything that’s thrown his way and has been one of the divisional strikeout leaders, both in school and the Cape Cod League. Had 55-K in 180-AB and 180-K in 592-AB career wise. Multiple scouting services have reported that his hitting mechanics are horrible. Projection: Boy, who the heck knows. Personally, I’m pissed that left on the board were RHP Sam Dyson and LHP James Paxton, and, if you wanted a toosy outfielder, what about Cody Hawn or Austin Wilson? Look, I have no problem drafting someone that shows potential, but save these kind of picks until the 15th round. There is no way of projecting any kind of ETA on this kid. Everything I have read said he is not a potential major leaguer. ETA: never Draft Grade: F
6-30-10: - Vaughn hit his fourth home run of the young Cyclone season Tuesday night and we need to put him on the watch list. Included in the stuff I compiled on him below is my analysis of how I felt about thw Mets picking him. My thoughts were similar to what I originally said a few years ago about Ike Davis, so this should be good news for both the Mets and you fans out there. Sure, there is only 43 at bats, but you have to respect a .651 slugging percentage and a 1.036 OPS.
7-19-10: - It’s not the two hits he got on Monday that got him this stock up… nor is it the fact that one was another home run, which he leads the league in producing. Additionally, it’s not the fact that he now has his batting average up to .291. No, none of that earned him this listing. It was the fact that he had two outfield assists during the game also, throwing out runners at both third and second base. That’s an outfield performance we don’t see very often in the Mets’ minor leagues.
7-31-10: - Vaughn continues to lead the league in home runs, hitting his 10th last night. Seasonal stats are now: .310/.401/.581/.982, with an impressive 21-BB. Vuaghn continues to quiet critics, including myself, and seems a lock on the Sterling Award winner this season for the Clones.
10-8-10: - 2011 Forecast: - Well, we don't have to spend any more time on what Keith Law and I thought of this pick. The bottom line is I was wrong and Vaughn looks like he's a live one. Both he and Darrell Ceciliani made headlines playing the Cyclones outfield last season, but I have only Vaughn going straight to Lucy for the beginning of the 2011 season. That should be some kind of outfield with Vaughn, Matt den Dekker (who plays CF?), and Cesar Puello.
3-9-11: - Up: - OF Cory Vaughn – Vaughn got his first ever ST at bats with the big boys on Tuesday and launched a two-run homer in the eighth inning against the Nationals. He’s years away but continues to covert those of us that thought this was a bag draft pick. I expect him to bypass Savannah and go straight from Brooklyn to St. Lucie next month.
5-16-11: - We’re starting to get to the point in the season where certain players are proving they can play baseball at a level higher than they played last year. Prospects usually don’t have that much difficulty in doing this. OF Cory Vaughn, who wowed everybody (even me) last year in Brooklyn, has already proven he can dominate at the next level in the Sally League. I can speak first hand to his desire to excel, something I didn’t think he possessed when he was drafted out of college. Here is a guy that went into Monday’s game leading the league in OBP (yes, even higher than Bryce Harper) and he honestly feels he has played like sit this year. Amazing. He has been the only consistent bat on the team, and, now that other players are being to hit, we should se a huge increase of RBIs from this true prospect. I had him as the #15 “Keeper”, but I have now moved him up to #10.
5-27-11: - OF Cory Vaughn A-Savannah: - Vaughn’s season in Savannah this year reminds me a lot of Matt den Dekker’s last season. Both seem to just blow themselves through the competition, which is how you earn yourself a bump up. There really isn’t a list where everyone gets a turn. The ones that go on are the ones that prove their talent stands out above the rest of league they are currently playing in. That’s what Vaughn has already done this year. He’s leading the Sally League in OBP and seems the be able to drive in runners at will. His only shortfall so far this season is the fact that his teammates that hit before him haven’t gotten on base enough. Thursday’s game was a perfect example. CF Darrell Ceciliani led off the game with a walk and Vaughn knocked him in. There was no one on base the next time he got up, so, what the hell, he hit a home run anyway. As you know, I didn’t like this pick, but I was wrong. I was never wrong about the person though. He’s a great kid and he needs to move to Florida.
8-3-11: - Twitter exchange between Cory and I today: - SugarFreeCV Cory Vaughn - Growing out the stache #ilookmexican http://t.co/V4FPzxg... MackAde Mack Ade - @ @SugarFreeCV - you look like Hamilton Bennett… SugarFreeCV Cory Vaughn - @ @MackAde i might have to get rid of it now since u compared me to him ha lol
8-21-11: - Observation - #11 – Cory Vaughn – OF – I have Vaughn higher on my prospect list than most of the other pundits out there. All the tools are there and the ceiling is the highest in the system. His one problem seems to be running hot and cold which, on the surface looks like a lack of concentration. It’s not his talent. Cory will most probably be held back for another stint in St. Lucie, where he will be reunited with his outfield buddy, Darrell Ceciliani. I originally had his ETA to possibly join the Bigs along with Matt den Dekker, but his two month slump at Lucy probably (and correctly) pushes him back a year. – ETA: Opening day 2014
8-28-11 – Stock Up: - OF Gilbert Gomez – This is weird. I had a working title on my notes page entitled “Is Gilbert Gomez the new Cory Vaughn’? It was going to be a post that was pro-Gilbert, but, at the same time, designed to light a fire under a player I like and is going through his second slump of the year. So, what do BOTH of them do today? They both hit two home runs in the same game. Weird.
Blue State Graft Watch: Securities Firm Run by Former New Jersey Governor and Obama Bundler John Corzine to be Probed by FBI

The MF Global Securities firm run by former New Jersey Governor and Goldman Sachs [NYSE: GS] chairman John Corzine will be investigated by the FBI to determine if the firms actions violated criminal laws after filing for bankruptcy protection on Monday. MF's bankruptcy was reportedly the 8th largest filing in US History.
After taking over MF Global last year, Corzine led MF Global to make more trades for the company's own profits, a practice known as proprietary trading. Proprietary trading helped turn Goldman into a trading powerhouse in recent years.Corzine reportedly continued to use clients money as losses from the European sovereign debt MF invested in increased.
Under Corzine's leadership, MF Global bet $6.3 billion on debt issued by Italy, Spain and other European nations with troubled economies. Those bonds have lost value in recent weeks as fears have intensified that some European countries might default.
Regulators said in September that MF Global was overvaluing some of its European debt investments. It required the company to raise more cash, according to court papers filed on Monday.
Reports had also been circulating as recently as a few months ago that Corzine was a possible replacement for current US Treasury secretary Tim Geithner should President Obama win a second term. In fact, these rumors led to an oddly specific stipulation in a $325 million bond offering from MF.
MF creditors were so concerned that Corzine might quit to take a White House post that they demanded an “Obama clause” be inserted in a $325 million bond offering -- in which MF would shell out an extra 1 percent in interest if Corzine left for a government post by 2013.Oddly, the regulator in charge of investigating the wreckage of Corzine's securities firm worked at Goldman Sachs with Corzine and donated $10,000 the the Democrat party of New Jersey when Corzine was running for governor in 2005.
In 2009, Corzine lost re-election to Republican challenger and former US Attorney Chris Christie despite a number of high profile campaign appearances with President Obama stumping on behalf of the incumbent.
More recently, however, Corzine has gone on to become one of the top bundlers for Obama's 2012 campaign, raising at least $500,000 by many estimates.
A recent list of top “bundlers” or elite fundraisers released by Obama’s campaign listed Corzine in the highest category -- reporting that he had raised more than $500,000 for the campaign. A substantial chunk of those funds were collected at a $35,800 per ticket fundraiser that Corzine hosted at his wife’s spacious Fifth Avenue apartment last April -- an event that was touted at the time as part of a concerted effort by the president’s campaign team to reach out to well-heeled Wall Street donors who had been alienated by some of his policies and previous public comments.In the meantime, an estimated $700 million in funds from MF Securities remains unaccounted for.
The Obama Administration had promised to return monetary donations from Corzine [although they didn't clarify if it was Corzine's $5000 maximum individual contribution or the contributions in excess of $500,000 that Corzine helped bundle from other wealthy donors- NANESB!] earlier this week.
I find it quite telling that the whole #Occupy Wall Street movement claimed they had taken to the streets to protest nationwide about the greed and excess on Wall Street embodied by Corzine's actions at MF Securities, but have remained remarkably silent about Corzine and the primary benefactor of his largess, President Obama.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
2012 Draft: - Top 137 RHPs in Draft - UPDATED
1) RHP Mark Appel
http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20110608&content_id=20222396&vkey=news_mlb&c_id=mlb&partnerId=rss_mlb Mark Appel, RHP, Stanford: Some believe that Appel, a power pitcher who's been at the front of Stanford's rotation for two years, could be the No. 1 overall pick.
2012 Draft - Rising Pick - OF - David Dahl
David Dahl:
8-9-11: - http://www.perfectgame.org/allamerican/News.aspx?num=6107 - Dahl, who will be a senior this fall at Oak Mountain High School in Birmingham, Ala., will be in San Diego from Thursday through Sunday with 45 other top prospects in the class of 2012 to take part in the Perfect Game All-American Classic presented by Rawlings. Dahl is ranked the No. 13 top prospect overall and No. 3 outfield prospect in the country. He is one of three Alabama prospects on the All-American Classic East Team roster, joining right-hander/outfielder Jameis Winston from Hueytown and right-hander Tucker Simpson from Oxford.
8-25-11: - http://sullydraft.blogspot.com - This summer I went to the National Showcase, Prospect Classic, and the Under Armour All-American Game. Here is my updated top 50 HS prospects. - 23. David Dahl, OF, Oak Mountain HS
10-1-11: - http://mlbdraftguide.com/1/2011/10/01/david-dahl-2012-draft-profile - David Dahl has above average tools across the board and can play the game. Even after missing time during the summer due to illness, Dahl remains highly ranked by every scouting service. Dahl is advanced offensively, with a balanced level swing and quick hands. He has good bat speed and makes consistent contact. A line drive hitter, Dahl should add more home runs as he matures. He is aggressive on the bases, and, with his 6.5 spped, always a threat to steal. Dahl is one of the top defensive outfielders eligible for the 2012 draft. He complements his speed with a legitimate plus arm. When draft day arrives, Dahl is likely to be one of the first 20 names off the board.
10-28-11: - http://orioles-nation.com/2011/10/26/wwba-2012-highlights - David Dahl (Birmingham AL; Oak Mountain) – A kid that has missed a good portion of the summer circuit is making it in these four days with a solid showcase solidifying himself as one of the better prep players. Easily showed the defensive skill set that makes him one of the better defensive outfielders. Outstanding arm and range should allow him to stick in centerfield down the road. His speed plays well in the game and on the paths. What has really set him a part is his patience at the plate. A selective hitter with a compact swing and impressive bat speed. His path is more of a line drive, but should still have high contact rate with the chance for above average power down the road.
Berkman Wins Comeback Player of the Year
Lance Berkman won the NL Comeback Player of the Year!!! Congrats Lance you deserve it.
Berkman played in 145 games, most since 2008, for the Cardinals, hit .301/.412/.547, with 31 homers (most since 2007), and posted a career-high 166 OPS+. This last stat tops his previous high of a 163 OPS+ when he hit .315/.420/.621 in 2006.
The switch-hitter had a trying 2010 season that included a knee injury and knee surgery before it started. The lack of healthy compromised his swing, and he struggled to a season dotted with career lows. He hit only .248 with 12 homers and 58 RBIS. His slugging percentage in 2010 was .413, and he almost matched that with his .412 on-base percentage in 2011. He spent the 2010 season mostly with the Houston, the only team had played for until a late-season trade to the New York Yankees.
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