Monday, April 18, 2011

Dark Knight Kids in The Hall?

Ever get that feeling of deja-vu? Of course, in this epoch of sequels, remakes and movies based on TV series, that's not so unusual.

However, when I saw the opening bank robbery scene in Christopher Nolan's 2008 The Dark Night, I had a feeling that I had seen this somewhere before.

Not only that, but I could've sworn that it somehow involved bank robbers shooting their cohorts during the robbery to demonstrate their seriousness (or cunning) was being played for laughs.

Then it hit me- this skit from the 1993 season of Kids in the Hall.

The crux of the skit seemed to be the man with the list (Kevin McDonald) and his cluelessness about the dire situation he suddenly found himself in as much as the robber's (David Foley) ability to casually gun down his acomplices mid-crime to demonstrate a fairly unimportant point.

I'm not saying Nolan actually plaigerized the Canadian comedy troupe's skit line by line. Rather it almost seems like somebody challenged Nolan to incorporate a scene with a similar premise for Dark Knight, only to play it straight (and embellish it by having it be a mob bank complete with mafioso on the premesis).

Granted i'm nowhere near as well versed in matters of pop culture as some of the visitors to this blog, but what do you think? Am I imagining things?

UPDATE: Thanks to Pi Guy for showing me a (literally) side-by-side comparison of the two:
YouTube Doubler

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