Saturday, May 16, 2009

Unit, Wilson Hammered By Mets

The Giants haven't quite figured out the Mets yet, or how to pitch David Wright for that matter. The Mets have rolled into San Francisco and taken the first three games of a four game set vs. the Giants, including laying a flat-out beating on the 45-year old Randy Johnson, and twice beating all-star closer Brian Wilson.

In the last post, I touched on how The Unit's season has been pretty much hit or miss so far. He is either on it and gives opposing hitters a tough match-up, or he has gone the other route and been absolutely pounded. In Saturday's match-up vs. the Mets, he got pounded. RJ gave up 11 hits in 4+ innings of work along with 7 earned runs and wasted a winnable opportunity vs. the NL's current best pitcher. The Giants got to Johan Santana for 3 un-earned runs, but Johnson couldn't keep the Mets off the board, something that has been an issue through the first three games of the series. The Mets scored 8 runs on Friday night, in a game which their ace, Tim Lincecum, pitched vs. the Mets #5 starter, Livan Hernandez. The Mets even got to Lincecum for 5 earned runs in 6 innings of work a night after they touched up Jonathan Sanchez for 4 runs on 9 hits in 5.2 innings. But it's not just the starters who have yet to figure out the Mets' lineup, the bullpen, and Brian Wilson in particular, has had a rough couple of games here as well. Wilson was actually the one charged with the losses in both Thursday and Friday nights' games. The Giants' gave up 3 runs in Thursday nights game, then came back Friday and blew another one.

It's not just the Mets who have touched up Giants' pitching in recent ballgames though. The Nationals scored 23 runs in their 3-game set in San Francisco earlier in the week as well. The offense has actually been doing their part for in the last few games, getting runs in from third w/less than two outs, and moving runners along on the base paths. They're also doing it without their full starting 8 all playing at 100 percent healthy at the moment. The teams starting shortstop, Edgar Renteria, has sat out the last couple of games and probably won't return until the middle of next week as he nurses a sore hamstring. Renteria has been a solid cog in the Giants lineup since starting off the season a little slow. Over the last month, Renteria is hitting .297 with 2 homers, 17 runs and 17 RBI and has been a steady hand at shortstop for the team. After his fall off in Detroit (Detroit Tigers Schedule) last year, Renteria was the signing that everyone was planning on hating this year, but he's actually been a solid add thus far and is looking more like he did in Atlanta (Atlanta Braves Schedule) that Motown. He's doing more for the team than Aaron Rowand, who's being paid significantly more than Renteria and offensively, he's providing more production than any Giants' starting shortstop since Rich Aurilia back in early 2000's.

Fred Lewis has been nursing a minor injury of his own as well. The left-fielder is having issues with his toe again, as it's kept him out of the lineup a few times this week. Lewis has cooled off mightily since his hot 2-week start to the season. However, Lewis is showing some signs of coming back to life, going 4 for his last 9 with a home run, 2 doubles and 2 RBI. The bum toe could be a sign of his slight fall off in production, the fact that he's hit for minimal power and the low stolen base total (3). I think Lewis will be fine, but if he's not %100, the Giants shouldn't be forcing into the lineup everyday right now. It's definitely a situation to keep an eye on.

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