Barry Bonds finally matched the most glorified record in all of sports on Saturday night, and I must say, it's about time. What people predicted would happen in late June finally came to fruition on August 4, 2007. And like most of Bonds' milestone shots, this one was a no doubter. He went opposite field off the facing of the second deck in one of the most difficult places in all of baseball to hit a home run. Clay Hensley served up the historic shot and became the 465
th different pitcher that Barry Bonds has taken deep. It is actually kind of fitting that Bonds did it in San Diego, against a team in which he's hit 1/8 of his total career home runs against. And after all the dominance he's had over the Padres, the fans were still
embracing after they realized what they had just witnessed. I expected the boos to heavily outweigh the cheers, but that wasn't the case. It was actually the opposite and the crowd in San Diego gave Bonds a standing ovation and a lot of them where showing their respects. After the syringe incident on opening night last year, I didn't expect to see Padre fans cheering like they were. The only person who wasn't cheering it seemed was baseball's commissioner Bud Selig. After the home run, the camera's went to Selig and he just kind of sat there, expressionless. After the game, Bonds said he didn't speak with Selig, and that the hardest home run to hit in his career was now behind him. Now he gets to come back home to San Francisco to break the record and start on his way to setting a new one.
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